GPU3 [GPU] add library cuDNN ** if you install tensorflow, i recommand you to install cuda v4.0.** tensorflow is incomplete system in cuda v5.0 1. download cuDNN library files [1] you need login for download the picture or url is "" downloads install guide and cuDNN v5 Library for Linux(or your OS env) and move two directory in downlading cuDNN v5 Libarary to .In my.. 2016. 4. 6. [GPU] installing cuda 7.5 ** If you install cuda 7.5 version due to tensorflow, you will install cuda 7.0 version and 4.0 version cuDNN. 7.5 version cuda and 5.0 version cuDNN cause to error on excuting tensorflow, especially cnn code. I recommend you to install 7.0 cuda and 4.0 cuDNN. ** 1. install cuda 1.1 deb (network) CUDA Repository [1] Retrieve the CUDA repository package for Ubuntu 14.04 from the CUDA download sit.. 2016. 4. 6. [linux] gpu 메모리 상태 gpu의 메모리 사용량을 알고 싶다면? nvidia-smi -l 1 deep 공부를 하고 있다면 엔비디아 그래픽 카드를 쓰고 있겠죠? 이렇게 치면 1초마다 gpu 메모리 사용량이 출력됩니다. 2016. 3. 14. 이전 1 다음